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triarylmethane dye造句

"triarylmethane dye"是什么意思  
  • "' Green S "'is a green synthetic coal tar triarylmethane dye with the molecular formula C 27 H 25 N 2 O 7 S 2 Na.
  • Its chemical formula is [ C 33 H 4o N 3 ] OH . Victoria blues are members of the triarylmethane dyes, but unlike most such dyes, the Victoria blues have an naphthylamine group.
  • It is one of the four components of basic fuchsine . ( The others are rosaniline, new fuchsine and magenta II . ) It is structurally related to other triarylmethane dyes called methyl violets including crystal violet, which feature methyl groups on nitrogen.
  • It's difficult to see triarylmethane dye in a sentence. 用triarylmethane dye造句挺难的
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